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Bee Farming

Sweeping the bees from their natural environment and farming in the cage by scientific methods and modern technological ways is called apiculture or bee farming. According to the weather of our country, Indian bee is most suitable for farming. This types of bees are small in size, golden colored with the white stripe. They usually live in the hole of trees in multiple parallel rooms. Accessing routes are arranged with a parallel hole. In scientific bee farming system bee cages are made in this method. Farming bees in this system are called apiculture.
We can get honey from natural sources. So, why bee farming? Be main benefits of bee farming are described below.
  • Usually, the hive is destroyed while collecting honey from it. At this time many bees die, baby bees and eggs also damaged. As a result, the number of bees is reducing day by day. Nowadays, for using pesticides in the crop field, the number of bees is ominously reducing continuously. The crop production is also decreasing for using it. By farming bees, in modern ways, we can increase the number of bees.
  • We use deprived bee hive honey as food for consuming. Honey is very nutritious as well as it also helps to prevent different types of harmful diseases. In general system, honey is collected by griping the bee hive. In this system, we can’t collect all the honey from the hive and the collected honey remains mixed with wax, bee eggs and different types of trashes. But in modern bee farming methods, we can collect all honey from the bee hive and the collected honey is very fresh and pure.
  • Appropriate environment
    The selected location of farming the bee box will be dry, shadow and proper food facilities available near the place. If needed you can plant some seasonal tree near the box. The selected location should free from horrible sound and all types of smoke. The bee box may make with wood or bamboo.
Difficulties and diseases
The bee can be get affected by different types of enemies and diseases. About two major enemies and diseases are described here. In wet condition, the bees are affected by wax-battle. This diseases can be determined by seeing the hive covered with a layer of a spider net. By keeping the box neat and clean and changing them occasionally we can prevent this diseases. Potassium permanganate can use in the bee box to prevent this. The door of the box should be closed at night and open again in the morning. Other harmful diseases of the bee are acarine. The wing of the affected bee looks like ‘A’. And they move by using their chest. The closet of the affected bee is yellow colored. The bees move here and there separately. In many cages, they become paralyzed. Affected quin bees stop laying eggs. The main solution to this diseases is spreading Michael solicitude vapor in the cage.
Bee farming requires a very low investment. No needs of a separate place for them. You can keep the bee box in your house corner, roof or near the home garden. In proper care and management, up to 10 kg honey can collect from each bee box.
if you want more info click link:Lifecycle of a Honey Bee Science Classroom Specimens for Science Education


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